Why I can’t believe in No God

A day trip to see an exhibition about evolution in a local natural history museum! The school class I assist was excited. Preliminary documentation showed that the displays were very well designed. Going round in groups, the children had to find the answers to questions about fossils, the emergence of different species, the demise of dinosaurs, birds’ adaptation to their environment, etc. All the result of random mutations over vast periods of time.

A child-oriented illustration of evolution

I suggested to the teacher I might raise the possibility of there being a Creator God behind those evolutionary processes. She said there wouldn’t be time. And, anyway, religious studies cover such issues. Pity.

Here are my thoughts – intended to be appropriate for 9-year-olds:

  • There are so many completely different living things. And they all seem to need or to help one another. So I feel sure they must have been made on purpose by a very clever designer. They can’t all just have popped up by themselves. This is called ‘intelligent design’.
  • According to evolution, the creatures that cope best in any situation will live and multiply. They don’t care if that means killing off the weaker ones. But for people to live together in peace, we need to know right from wrong. Only God can teach us such moral values.
  • The theory of evolution only describes how plants and animals develop physically. But we human beings also have mental and spiritual abilities that are far better than those of animals. We can think, speak and write. We plan ahead. Some of us are artistic or musical. Others are good at understanding the world we live in, inventing helpful gadgets, or healing sick people. And we feel we want to know and praise the God who made it all.

I’ve read Richard Dawkins (and others). They have done great research and made good observations. But, in my opinion, they leave many spiritual questions unanswered. I prefer to accept God’s initiative, not only in designing all of this fantastic natural world but also in visiting us in Jesus, so we could get to know Him.

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