Vince Rockston

Born on the Island of Jersey, Vince Rockston was a Research Associate at CERN before moving into IT and later technical writing.

He now enjoys retirement in a beautiful village in Switzerland.

Whether a young adult or an older person, you want to achieve something worthwhile while you’re here. Do you have great plans? Are you facing a life-changing decision or a challenging obstacle. Perhaps some dark memory is weighing on your conscience.

Throughout the ages, people have struggled with such issues as these:

  • How can I decide what is the right thing to do?
  • Is there a purpose in life?
  • How can I overcome temptations?
  • Is there a God? If so, is He good and loving, or harsh and judgemental?
  • I made a big mistake. I hurt someone badly. Is there still hope for me?

Vince Rockston writes dramatic stories set in distant times and places, in which young people come to grips with some of these timeless spiritual questions.

Scroll through his posts about his posts about his published book Aquila, his current work in progress ‘Greet Suzon for me’, his tips and tricks for fellow writers, or his observations on spiritual issues.

#AtoZChallenge 2024

Aquila is now available

Aquila Cover

Aquila – Can Silvanus escape that god?

Vince’s recent posts

Y is for Why – Religious conflicts?

Y is for Why – Religious conflicts?

A contribution to the #AtoZchallenge 2024 Religious conflicts have plagued societies throughout history, causing immense suffering, division, and loss of…



It’s one thing to say I have completed the first draft of Aquila – all 34½ chapters – but quite another to…

Huguenot refugees by Albert Anker

A Night in the Forest

This is a sample chapter from my work-in-progress: Gédéon. Madeleine d’Albert “Get out of sight, Madeleine!” Papa’s voice roused me…

Beats, Tags and White Space

Beats, Tags and White Space

As an aspiring author, I’ve read several books on the art and craft of writing. They confused me. I didn’t…

A New Home?

A New Home?

How do refugee families settle in their adopted country? Recently the BBC published a moving report about nine-year-old Rouaa from…